Frequently asked questions
Smoking is the most common form of meth use. When meth is smoked, the drug is heated and turned into a vapour. The vapour that is not inhaled by the smoker is then deposited on the walls, floors, furnishings, and duct system leaving a residue of meth. The amount of meth residue depends on the amount and frequency of smoking. Because of the increased trend in smoking meth, homes that were never used to produce meth are still testing positive for meth contamination putting families at risk.
The larger concern relates to the manufacture of the drug in dwellings. The process of manufacturing methamphetamine can include heavy metals, carcinogenic hydrocarbons, and other toxic chemicals. Some of these will ‘air out’ eventually, but many will persist in the air, on surfaces and inside porous materials.
Solid forms of methamphetamine can be spilled and worked into carpets, furniture and upholstery.
A property contaminated with meth is a serious health risk to the occupants.
Contamination of a property due to use and manufacture can occur in a matter of hours and will remain for many years until the property is properly decontaminated. The property may look no different to any other property and recent drug busts indicate even affluent suburbs are not immune to meth problems.
A property contaminated by the manufacture or use of methamphetamine will affect:
- Your property’s value
- Your health
- Your bank balance
- Your emotional well-being
The chemicals used to produce methamphetamine are highly toxic and can cause serious health problems to anyone exposed.
People who are exposed to low level meth contamination often suffer from nose and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion and breathing difficulties.
Babies and young children are especially venerable as they often spend more time playing on the floor. As well as that, any contact with meth or the chemicals used in its manufacture, will have an impact on their developing body and brain.
- Strong odours similar to fingernail polish, cat urine, or ammonia
- Iodine or chemical-stained fixtures in kitchen and bathroom.
- Excessive rubbish that includes large amounts of discarded containers/packaging for cold medicine containing ephedrine/pseudoephedrine, drain cleaner, antifreeze, denatured alcohol, lantern fuel, and red-stained coffee filters.
- Bottles or jars with glass tubing
- Stained soil or dead vegetation
- Black plastic over windows
However, there may be no obvious signs that meth has been used or manufactured. Only a Narcotect test kit will alert you to potential contamination.
Meth labs are fairly quick to set up and dismantle and therefore can be found in the most unexpected of places.
However, the risk is not just from manufacturing labs but anywhere that meth is used.
Meth contamination is being discovered in:
- Used cars
- Charter boats
- Rental storage units
- Rental vehicles, including cars, trucks, campers and vans
- Hotels
- Motel units
- Holiday homes
Yes, you can. In fact, the D4D PenTest kit is ideal as you can discretely test items that the person has touched or their personal processions that may have come in contact with meth residue.
This will allow you to determine whether or not the person has been in contact with drugs before tackling this delicate issue with them directly.
The D4D PenTest kit suitable for parents, partners, flatmates, employers, schools or anyone who suspects that someone they know may be using meth or other illegal drugs.
Some of the things to test are:
- Wallet and/or cell phone
- Vehicle – steering wheel, gear shifter, stereo knobs, glovebox catch, around the top of the door frames.
- Clothes – front of the collar and long sleeve cuffs.
- Computer keyboards
- Telephones
- Lockers
- Any item that may have been used for smoking or using drugs, ie pipes, modified light bulbs, bongs, portable scales, glass tubes or any item with unusual burn marks.
Yes, by using a Narcotect D4D PenTest kit, a fast, cost-effective preliminary contamination test can be conducted that will give you a result in seconds.
For detailed instructions on how to conduct your own preliminary meth testing, click here.
Should a preliminary test show a positive result, we recommend further testing, including lab-verification, should be carried out by a certified, trained company to confirm that the contamination is caused by meth, or chemicals used in its manufacture, and what level of contamination is present.
Preliminary testing, using a chemically treated swab and reagent liquid, is conducted to provide a quick, inexpensive, presumptive test for the presence of drug contamination.
The key benefits are:
Inexpensive: – All rooms, including garage, of a 4-bedroom dwelling can be tested for less than $250. Lab testing would upwards of several hundred dollars to test the same number of rooms.
Quick: – Presumptive testing using the Narcotect D4D PenTest kit will give you an indication of drug residue within seconds. Lab test reports can take from one to two weeks to become available.
Presumptive testing will quickly indicate whether there may be drug residue present. Lab verified testing is required if a forensic, evidential report is required, and to confirm the drug residue levels present.
A lab test report also provides evidence that the surfaces tested are clean from meth contamination.
Simple-to-use, inexpensive test kits are available online here at Narcotect. Go to our PRODUCTS page for more information.
Each D4D PenTest kit contains an ampoule of reagent, instructions, and two test papers.
Each D4D kit contains 2 testing papers. It is recommended that one testing paper be used to take a sample, and the other used as a ‘control’ to compare results. Due to subtle variances in the test paper colour, this will ensure that any colour changes are quite obvious.
Depending on the size of the house 4 kits should be sufficient for a 3 or 4 bedroom house with garage.
- 1 swab per bedroom
- 1 swab per area for hallways, laundry, bathrooms
- 1 swab per area for kitchen, dining room, lounge/dining room
- 1 swab per area for the garage, workshop, garden shed
Samples should be taken from areas where contamination is most likely to remain after a basic clean-up has been carried out (see FAQ – What areas of a house are best to perform a surface test on?)
The D4D PenTest kit works best when the sample swab is taken from the largest surface area available collecting as much sample residue as possible.
Recommended areas to test are:
- Kitchen and bathroom extractor fans
- Ceiling fans
- Air conditioning vents or ducts
- Walls, especially if stained
- Window frames
- Tops of door frames
- Curtain and blind rails
- Tops of kitchen and bathroom cabinets
- Surfaces that appear dirty, light switches, sinks and tubs
- Carpets, especially where there are visible stains
- Workshops and garages
This list is not conclusive as each situation is different but these are the most common areas of contamination.
It is not uncommon for a property to show levels ranging from non-detectable to well over Government Health Department recommended limits when all rooms are tested.
Where feasible, testing each room separately is the best way to evaluate a property’s level of contamination.
For full instructions on how to conduct a surface drug test, click here
The D4D PenTest wipes only require a sample of drug residue greater than 64µg per mm² to provide a positive reaction.
64µg per mm² is a minute trace and well below the Government recommended cleanup guidelines.
Each D4D kit contains 2 testing papers. It is recommended that one testing paper be used to take a sample, and the other used as a ‘control’ to compare results. Due to subtle variances in the test paper colour, this will ensure that any colour changes are quite obvious.
Samples should be taken from as greater surface area possible for the best results.
Once the activated agent has been applied from the D4D PenTest ampule, a colour reaction will be evident within 90 seconds if drug residue is present.
Compare the colour reaction to the control. If a colour variance is observed (not including dust) check against the colour charts on the instruction sheet for matched colours.
It is normal to get multiple colours on single tests, with the most common colours being RED (cannabis), ORANGE (methamphetamine) and YELLOW (amphetamine).
It is normal to have anything from dirty dusty orange to bright orange to indicate a reaction to methamphetamine. Any colour variation should be considered a positive reaction.
SAFETY FIRST: If the contaminated place, whether building, vehicle, or boat, is occupied, then initially, immediate evacuation should be considered until the levels of contamination are known.
If you or anyone else is experiencing unusual illnesses or issues such as headaches, nausea, watering or burning eyes, or nose, respiratory problems, these are common symptoms of exposure to methamphetamine contamination.
It is advised that all occupants, including animals, should leave the property immediately and seek medical advice if the symptoms continue.
Meth Contaminated Property Testing and Clean-up Process
There are 4 stages in the process of testing, cleaning, and/or remediating a property suspected of being contaminated by methamphetamine use or manufacture.
Stage 1 – Preliminary testing of surfaces throughout the property, using a presumptive testing product such as the Narcotect D4D PenTest. This will determine whether or not there is contamination present, and which areas of the property are contaminated.
If preliminary testing indicates a positive reaction for methamphetamine, this will determine what steps should be taken next. At this stage, you may wish to engage a reputable company to conduct lab verified testing, or you can contact a certified lab for kits to take your own samples.
If you have property or landlord insurance, a call to your provider will determine whether further lab testing and clean-up costs are covered under your policy.
Stage 2 – Samples are taken and analysed by a certified testing facility or laboratory to confirm the results of preliminary testing, and determine the level of contamination present.
Stage 3 – Preparation of a clean-up/remediation action plan based on the results of the lab verified test report.
Stage 4 – Re-testing and validation that the clean-up/remediation has been carried out correctly, in accordance with the action plan, and that the property is verified safe for re-occupancy.
Contact a specialist meth testing and cleaning business
Dealing with a contaminated property can be a complex and potentially dangerous process depending on the level of toxic residue present.
If you would like to contact a specialist testing and clean-up company in your state, please check our online Business Directory for companies that can provide professional advice and services.
Also see: What are the benefits of presumptive testing?
Following a positive indication for drug residue with the D4D PenTest presumptive test, laboratory verified testing may be required to confirm the drug type detected and the level of contamination present.
Laboratory testing is forensic-based and follows Government recommended guidelines for meth testing of property. A lab report can be used as evidence of the property being meth-clean, or in a claim against persons who may be responsible for damaging property through meth use or manufacture.
Contact a specialist meth testing and cleaning business
Dealing with a contaminated property can be a complex and potentially dangerous process depending on the level of toxic residue present.
If you would like to contact a specialist testing and clean-up company in your state, please check our online Business Directory for companies that can provide professional advice and services.
NOTE: Narcotect is not affiliated with any businesses or organisations listed in the Business Directory. Contact details are provided for informational purposes only.
Contact a specialist meth testing and cleaning business
Dealing with a contaminated property can be a complex and potentially dangerous process depending on the level of toxic residue present.
If you would like to contact a specialist testing and clean-up company in your state, please check our online Business Directory for companies that can provide professional advice and services.
NOTE: Narcotect is not affiliated with any businesses or organisations listed in the Business Directory. Contact details are provided for informational purposes only.